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President Message 

On behalf of NITOMA, INC. employees, I would like to say thank you for stopping at our web site. Our mission is to be a "BRIDGE" between Japan & USA to supply and serve the best quality Japanese brand products to the USA auto parts industry.

For the 'FAST' 20 years, since we started our company in 1986, we saw many changes for the parts requirement as automobile technology advanced. Our supply line of products also changed as time went by. However the quality of products that we have been supplying to the industry has never changed. Our motto is to be #1 (ICHIBAN !) in the industry for our line.. Our quality is always #1! But we could be #1 for coverage, #1 for being the first to supply, #1 for price... We believe these will provide a strong point of marketing to our customers. I hope you would find our strength through this web site! And hope your search for quality Japanese parts is over !. Please feel free to contact us for your next requirement.

President / CEO

Fred Kubo

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